What Is Meningitis ACWY Vaccination, And Who Should Get It?

What Is Meningitis ACWY Vaccination, And Who Should Get It?

The MenACWY vaccine is a travel vaccine against meningitis (infection of the protective lining of the brain and spine) which spreads through sneezing, coughing, or direct contact with respiratory secretions. Stay with us to get to know the requisite meningitis ACWY vaccination in Worcester.

What is the MenACWY vaccine, and who is eligible in Worcester?

Meningococcal conjugate or MenACWY vaccine protects you against a life-threatening disease caused by four groups of meningococcal bacteria A, C, W, and Y.

With the increasing number of cases in the UK, infants, teenagers, and the young population are eligible for MenACWY vaccination.

Moreover, if you're a long-term traveller who happens to have close contact with the local population, you should get vaccinated to avoid any health threats.

CDC recommends that people with certain medical conditions which make them immunocompromised should also get the MenACWY vaccine.

You should be immunised with the MenACWY vaccine if you're travelling to areas prone to outbreaks of meningococcal diseases, such as parts of Africa and Saudi Arabia, during the mass gatherings of pilgrims for Hajj or Umrah. 

Seasonal workers travelling to Saudi Arabia must carry a legal certificate of MenACWY vaccination to cross the borders. 

meningitis endemic countries to review before travelling abroad

Which countries require meningitis ACWY vaccination?

If you're travelling to high-risk areas such as sub-Saharan Africa, particularly during the dry season, you only need a single dose of quadrivalent conjugate vaccine in the upper arm 2 to 3 weeks before travel. 

Young children less than a year old need two injections. 

According to the research, transmission spikes in early adolescence in Africa and late adolescence in Europe.

How long does the meningitis ACWY vaccine last? 

Some types of meningococcal vaccines are offered as part of the routine NHS vaccination schedule. However, this is not provided for overseas travel as an NHS service.

If you have previously received the MenC conjugate vaccine, individuals should be immunised with the MenACWY vaccine, which lasts for at least five years without any booster dose.

However, some countries, such as Saudi Arabia, require a valid vaccination certificate. For this purpose, you need a booster dose of conjugated vaccine to update the validity to 8 years.

woman smiling and walking on the road

Is MenACWY the same as meningococcal in Worcester?

There are two types of meningococcal vaccines available:

  1.   Meningococcal conjugate or MenACWY vaccines for all infants, teens, and university students.
  2.   Serogroups B meningococcal or MenB vaccine for immuno-compromised people.

What are the side effects of the MenACWY vaccine in Worcester?

Before getting granted a MenACWY UK license, the vaccine rigorously underwent a series of tests to ensure its safety. 

However, some common side effects include injection site reactions such as itching, redness, swelling, and tenderness.

Some individuals may also experience fever, headache, irritability, nausea, and drowsiness, which don't last longer than 24 hours. 

You should take precautions if you have any history of allergic reactions or if you're suffering from an acute illness with a high temperature.

Does the meningitis ACWY vaccine cover bacterial meningitis?

The meningitis ACWY vaccine safeguards against bacterial meningitis, including four different meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y.

Book your appointment at Worcester Travel Clinic to get your vaccination today.

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