The Ultimate Guide To Malaria Treatment In Worcester

The Ultimate Guide To Malaria Treatment In Worcester

Malaria is a deadly disease transmitted via an infected female mosquito bite. However, you can prevent and treat malaria with the same antibiotics. The medication you take should be tailored to your specific health condition, travel route, and duration of your stay in high-risk areas for malaria outbreaks. Keep reading to get to know the best malaria treatment in Worcester.

How is malaria treated or cured in Worcester? 

Malaria is an acute febrile illness transmitted via an infective mosquito bite which shows its first symptoms in a human body usually after 10 to 15 days.

It’s better to have an early diagnosis and take preventive measures for migrant workers, mobile populations, and travellers to avoid this infectious disease through antimalarial medication.

Infants and immunocompromised individuals can catch the illness more easily. 

All individuals, particularly newborns and the elderly population, should take immediate antimalarial therapy even if the risk is low. 

What are the high-risk areas for malaria outbreaks?

Malaria is not a contagious infection from person to person and cannot be transmitted through close contact.

However, if you're travelling to high-risk areas or malaria-endemic countries, it is required to take total precautionary measures. 

Although malaria is widespread, it is particularly prevalent in tropical regions (areas with warm temperatures and high humidity) and sub-Saharan Africa.

Other countries include:

  • Central and South America
  • Eastern Europe
  • South and Southeast Asia
  • The Dominican Republic and Haiti

a child is infected with malaria

What is the best antibiotic for malaria in Worcester?

Antimalarial therapy is prescribed based on the way the tablet works, in combination with other antimalarial drugs and their side effects.

This therapy is only effective with the combination of preventive measures such as awareness of the outbreak regions and bite prevention.

There are two types of drugs that can be taken without a prescription in the UK:

  1.     Chloroquine and/or Proguanil
  2.     Atovaquone/Proguanil (also known as Malarone)

These two are easily found in local pharmacies. However, it is recommended to consult a health expert before taking an antimalarial drug.

antibiotics for malaria treatment

What is the first-line treatment for malaria?

Quick diagnosis and prompt treatment is the best way to care for your health.

The symptoms of malaria can be vague, and it may also occasionally occur even though you're taking antimalarial tablets. 

The most commonly used drugs for malaria treatment are:

  • Generic Equivalent to Malarone (Atovaquone/Proguanil)
  • Malarone Paediatric
  • Doxycycline 100mg capsules
  • Mefloquine (Lariam) 250mg

Can malaria go away without treatment? 

Malaria is a fatal disease. If not treated in time, it may lead to mild to severe infection and eventually lead to death within 24 hours.

You should seek immediate medical care right after being diagnosed during or after your trip to high-risk areas.

If you live in or are travelling to places where malaria is common, you should consult a GP, pharmacist, or travel clinic at least 4 to 6 weeks before you travel.

However, you may also get last-minute guidance from travel health professionals.

Book your appointment for malaria treatment at Worcester Travel Clinic at your convenience.

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