What Is HPV Vaccination, and Who Should Get It

What Is HPV Vaccination, and Who Should Get It

HPV is a family of human papillomaviruses known to be transmitted mostly through direct sexual contact. It is possible that this virus, once inside your body, could lead to an infection or, in the worst-case situation, to cancer. Travelling overseas may raise the likelihood of catching or transmitting this virus. You can get your HPV vaccine in Worcester with us. Our focus is to keep you safe while you enjoy your travels.

What is the HPV vaccine required for?

The HPV vaccine is required to defend against Human Papillomaviruses (HPV). HPV is a collection of over 200 viruses that cause carcinogenic and malignant illnesses.

These viruses can be passed from person to person. Furthermore, these viruses can spread regardless of gender, age, or location.

Getting vaccinated with the HPV vaccine before travelling anywhere is recommended.

Get HPV Vaccination Before Travelling

Why do boys get the HPV vaccine?

Young boys should be immunised against HPV viruses, which are prevalent among those aged 12 to 19 years.

Teenage boys are more susceptible to contracting and spreading the virus because they may begin to engage in sexual activities.

Moreover, boys more likely to participate in strenuous activities that necessitate a lot of physical contact should get their vaccines as soon as possible because these viruses can also be transferred through skin-to-skin contact.

Therefore, if you’re an international athlete, you should receive the HPV vaccine for your overseas sports. 

Group of male and female friends

Can you get the HPV vaccine at any age?

There is no particular age requirement for the HPV vaccine, although there are some specific recommendations, such as:

Children and teenagers: 

The vaccine is suggested for children aged 11 to 12 years. If the vaccine is not administered at that time, teens should get it between the ages of 12 to 19 years.


If you didn't get the HPV vaccination in your childhood, you should have the vaccine between 27 and 45 years of age, particularly if you have travel plans. However, consulting with a GP or travel health expert is preferable.


Pregnant women are advised to avoid receiving the vaccine until after giving birth since it may harm the fetus.

Get HPV vaccination before travelling

Why do you need the HPV vaccine for travel?

You never know where you may come into direct contact with people when travelling. These viruses may spread through your hands, genitals, or even your mouth.

Vaccination is essential while travelling since any person may be a carrier of any of these viruses and may transmit their infection to you.

What licensed vaccines do we provide in Worcester?

Similar to Hepatitis B Vaccines, we also provide authorised vaccinations for HPV and a range of other conditions.

The licensed vaccines for HPV are as follows:

  • Gardasil
  • Gardasil-9
  • Cervarix

At Worcester Travel Clinic, get the HPV Vaccine prior to your trip. Get in touch with us at your convenience.

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