The Importance Of The Rabies Vaccine & How Long It Lasts

Rabies is an acute viral infection that is primarily transmitted through the saliva of infected animals. The spinal cord and the brain are particularly sensitive to rabies. The rabies vaccine is highly suggested to shield against contracting the deadly disease. Vaccine dosages may vary depending on the severity of the infection. Find out how long the rabies vaccine lasts in Worcester and why you need it before travelling abroad.

How long does the rabies vaccine last for a human?

Rabies is a fatal virus that can be transmitted through an infected animal’s bite or lick but can be prevented with a vaccine.

After two doses, the rabies vaccine stays effective for up to three years.

It is recommended to consult a travel clinic about getting a rabies vaccination or booster if you plan on visiting a region where the disease is prevalent.

A full vaccine regimen can take up to 4 weeks, so it’s best to get started at least a month before you depart.

After two doses, depending on the patient’s risk profile, a booster shot may be necessary within three years.

Does the rabies vaccine give you lifetime immunity?

If you have been vaccinated against rabies but are still at risk of contracting the disease, you may need to receive further booster doses of the vaccine (for example, due to your occupation).

If you’re planning to visit a high-risk country after a year of being vaccinated, you should consult with us about getting a booster vaccine to make sure your immune system can effectively combat the rabies virus.

Are humans given a rabies vaccine in Worcester?

Rabies vaccination ensures your safety against the deadly infection. You should still get medical aid immediately if an infected animal has bitten you.

After being exposed to rabies, a person only needs two more doses of the rabies vaccine, each of which should be administered at intervals of three days.

If you have never been vaccinated against rabies, you are required to receive four doses of the vaccine over the course of two weeks (given on days 0, 3, 7, and 14).

When should the rabies vaccine not be administered?

There may be some cases in which a person cannot have the vaccine. These include:

Pregnant females

If there is a high chance of exposure to rabies and maternity care is insufficient, pregnant women should get vaccinated against the disease.

Individuals who have serious adverse reaction history

People with autoimmune diseases or weakened immunity

Individuals who have had a thyroidectomy

People with other specific medical issues

Where do they inject the rabies vaccine for humans?

Injecting the anti-rabies vaccine into the upper arm is the standard method of vaccination.

Each dose of the immunisation is given one month apart from the previous one.

Travelling to an area where rabies is prevalent requires a total of three doses of preventive prophylaxis to be administered.

Contact the Worcester Travel Clinic today to schedule an appointment.

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